Dark Sky Percussion is committed to maintaining an environment that upholds the dignity and respect of each member and staff. This policy, adopted in August 2018, aims to safeguard each member's health and well-being and to establish a discrimination-free and harassment-free environment. All reports are taken seriously and are escalated to the Dark Sky Director and the Dark Sky Board. Follow-up to a report may include a police report, phone reports, and written reports to SCPA and WGI.
Types of Misconduct
Unwelcome conduct directed at a person based on their membership in a protected class, including color, creed, religion, national origin, sex, marital status, public assistance status, disability, sexual orientation, age, or any other status protected by law.
Behaviors such as slurs, demeaning jokes or comments, innuendos, unwelcome compliments, pranks, stereotypical comments, derogatory descriptions, or other verbal or physical conduct.
Sexual Harassment
Discrimination or unlawful harassment that is sexual in nature or gender-based. This may include:
Suggestive sexual comments, jokes, or innuendos
Persistent, unwanted flirtation or invitations for dates or other social activities
Unwelcome sexual advances or passes
Requests for sexual favors
Submission to such conduct is made either explicitly/implicitly as a basis for membership
Such conduct interferes with an individual’s performance or creates an intimidating, offensive, or hostile environment
Sexual remarks or questions about a person’s body, clothing, or sexual activities
Patting, pinching, or other offensive touching
Displays of or sending sexually suggestive pictures or objects
Please complete the form below to report harassment.
Provide a detailed description using specific, concise and objective language (Who, what, when, where, and how). Each individual listed as "involved" should appear in your description. Please be advised that if the report is lacking specific information and the report is anonymous, an inquiry may not be possible.