4 Custom-built “Circle” Props: $4000 for set of 4 (obo)
8' wide x 1.5’ high, these 4 sturdy spinning props fold in half for easy transport & storage. A lever holds the prop to spin in place and the prop will also travel easily across a floor. Two viz members moved the prop with 4 tenor players with drums standing on top. Each prop has 3 slots to choose from 1-3 metal handles (used to push or rotate prop). The handles have slots on back of prop for transport. Velcro is attached to the wooden tops so any vinyl design can be added to create a great look for your program. Our vinyl tops which look like records are also available.
Pick-up in SoCal only
9 Custom-built Stools: $1800 for set (or $250ea)
4’ high aluminum stools with spinning tops. The stools are higher than an average store-bought stool. The top is wood; we added shelf liner with spray adhesive for better grip. Under the seat are ball bearings for the top to spin. The stools are strong enough to stand on and light enough to be easily carried. They have an orange powder coat that won’t chip off but can be sprayed another color.
Pick up in SoCal only