Next Generation Film Awards

This is Polaris

In 2021, we all experienced the shutdowns caused by the COVID pandemic.  The marching arts were hit hard as no performances were held from mid-March 2020 until February 2022.  We at Dark Sky discussed this challenge and felt it was important to continue in some capacity and are proud to have created the short film called POLARIS during the Spring of 2021.  While many organizations were shuttered during this "lost" season, Dark Sky kept our staff together and chose an ensemble of 33 members.  


First, we hired a COVID Compliance Officer!  Strict procedures were created for all of us to follow. We created rotating auditions and rehearsals to limit the number of people gathering on any given day.

When we returned to in-person rehearsals, everyone had to be vaccinated, wear a mask, social distance, and temp-check at a mandatory check-in before playing.

We spent months looking for locations that would fit our film's concept, be outdoors and fit our budget.  We learned how to apply for film licensing and permits and eventually had all of our sites booked.  


When all the scenes were completed, we gathered one last time (outdoors in a park) to celebrate what we had accomplished and watched the finished project together at a drive-in theater!  No one contracted COVID during the entire process and 33 talented, tenacious performers got to create something special together.  

Special Recognition to our Designers!

  • Seth Woodard

    Music Composition

  • Darren Van Derpoel

    Music Composition

  • Scott Tanaka

    Visual and Set Design

  • Adam Adorno

    Videographer and Editor

We also would like to thank...

  • Paul "Sal" Salazar

    Behind the Scenes Photos and Videography

  • Debbie Seeley

    COVID Compliance Officer

Polaris Movements
